Dealing with StupIdiots During a Pandemic Quarantine

Does anyone else out there have to deal with, what I call a certain group of people, "StupIdiots" without using foul language for my sake. 
StupIdiots: stupid idiots that refuse to listen or adhere to common sense safety because they are stubborn and their judgments have no logic or reasoning. 
I have a couple in my family. I have 1 nephew that doesn't believe in COVID-19 or how contagious this virus is and a mother that refuses to practice social distancing or sanitary hygienic protocols and a second oldest sister who decides to throw her son a pool party during a pandemic and required quarantine. Also, my second youngest sister (I am the youngest) that has no sense of reasoning to keep social distancing and with her situation is somewhat homelessness due to drugs but she should at least be wary that she shouldn't be asking our mother or her children to go to the stores without basic PPE like a mask or gloves because she "don't give a fuck." This sister also lives with a nurse so she's more at risk for COVID-19 or having the virus's fomites on her clothing or personal belongings. 
I don't know how to process this and wish very dearly to be living on my own and taking proper protocols with this virus because I am completely immune-compromised. I'm Navajo and so far we are dropping like flies and making up more than half of the deaths in Arizona and that statistic is still NOT ENOUGH FOR THEM TO KEEP SAFE OR USE THE PROTOCOLS. I get sick very easily since I came back to the city so getting the virus right now is my number one fear because I have not lived my life because I was taking care of others. 
There's only so much people like me that we can do by constantly reminding others about the dangers of COVID-19 to the point of nagging and worry about ourselves. People like us, who are put in situations where people refuse to acknowledge being proactive about this virus, we can't worry about others except worry about ourselves and keep us healthy and safe. It's a harsh reminder that we can't help people who don't want help and "you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink." In case you are new to that quoted idiom, it means you can't force people to do things even if you lay our all the facts or show them what is happening or even by helping. It's insane but it's the reality. 
If you are able to and have the means, get a new place to live or maybe find someone to live with WHOM SHARE YOUR CONCERNS ON THE SAFETY DURING THE PANDEMIC because if you feel unsafe where you're at the best thing you can do is try your best to remove yourself. I don't have the means to but I hope you do because this virus is spreading and it is coming after everyone and sadly it does prey on those that are immune-compromised. 
Be safe and keep healthy. 


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