COVID-19 Anxiety

During this time anxiety is inevitable. Having any symptoms from sneezing, coughing, slight fever or losing your sense of smell even for a couple of minutes (nose blind from having too many pets) causes a quick anxiety spell. Even going to the grocery store while using gloves and a mask is daunting because any opening can be pathway to COVID-19 and for some reason people are still doing the disgusting habits of not covering their mouth or nose in public. 
All I can say is, we can only do so much to prevent it from ourselves and try our best to avoid giving it to the people whom we love that are immune compromised. So many people have lost the ability to mourn, laugh, be happy or have the luxury to go out on a walk because of  this virus and irresponsible behavior and actions. 
During an anxious moment. Take a breath. Focus on what made or makes you happy and the people who make life worthwhile. Thinking about something or someone or a movie where there's a happy ending can make a difference at that point in time. With all the craziness happening in the world, we want it to be over and I feel the same way. It will take time and we will have to be diligent in being safe and coming up with a plan to divert our feelings of hopelessness and negativity. Cuz guess what? There is always hope. Just like in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, you need to focus on the strongest and happiest memory to have the power in yourself chase away these horrible thoughts. Stop looking at the media that mentions all the deaths or governmental actions that make you question humanity's morals. Because I believe in you, I believe in us that want to protect, help and love the world in this dark time. Keep your light shining inside of you. 
If you need to reach out, please seek help from the crisis hotline or an anxiety specialist. People are fighting for other's lives because life is beautiful. 


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