Volunteering for Job Experience

Volunteer- Freely offering to do something without payment 

When we hear the word volunteer it's one of many things that pop into our mind. The first being, "That's a generous person" and the second being, "This person has too much time on his/her hands" and the third being, "I need the job experience" and the fourth being, "She/He must have to do the dirty jobs and love being a doormat." 

Sadly, one of these things has popped up in my head and numerous others when I say "I volunteer" either it be in a hospice as a singer that I can no longer do because of COVID-19 protocols and the lack of safety, being a museum tour guide or my new found position that I'm waiting to hear on, is a virtual speaker for classrooms. I miss working in my prefer field which was helping university students in Ethnomusicology classes and working with the NASA program. It's amazing and depressing to remember my time there and try to take what I learned to places but since the virus being a part of the career I wanted to choose is taking a step back. Including getting a Master's degree because of the increased tuition costs in the USA. 

Although my experience is limited, finding a job isn't an easy task because putting aside my reasons for not being employed for many many years; my degree makes me over qualified or my experience makes me under qualified. There are numerous times throughout my days where I feel like I have failed myself and my aspirations to be a singer, actress and Ethnomusicologist enthusiast. But one thing I refuse to see myself as a failure is when I volunteer. I do volunteer for some job experience but I enjoy seeing the people who only want to learn or the relief on their faces when someone is willing to help them and is having a hard time finding someone without pay. I hope everyone volunteers and finds their calling through there and see what they're capable of when you help someone or an organization. It changes your life and you loose your sense of insecurity and find a stronger version of yourself. It's not gonna happen on the first day that you volunteer but on the right volunteer job you find yourself smiling and feeling accomplished. Just a food for thought. Stay safe everyone. 


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