Job Searching and the Inconsistent Determination Towards a Brighter Future

 Job Searching, its been the constant fear and dread or in some cases the utter delight to find your place in the work force. But the latter for some of us Millennials like yours truly, finding work in my department has been a constant let down and the difficulties of helping raise someone else's children as they get their own life together and you are left with the pieces that's been on your shoulders since the age 13. 

Did I get too personal there? Yes. Is it profession in a blog post that is open to the public or that could be used by DCS or a Hiring Manager? Yes and no. Why? Because I need to let people know that are within my age group or even in the similar situation to know and understand that you are trying and you will make it through this setback. Yes it is a setback. You and I have been trying to get our lives back in order from a couple of days to maybe multiple years and the inconsistency of not finding the right environment or the right career, its get exhausting. If you found your career path and are utterly happy with your place in the world, bravo. It's true that not many people can be as lucky or blessed but that doesn't mean we look down on you as long as you don't look down on us. 

To understand why, how and when someone ended up in their position as unemployed or like me never employed is a deeply emotional and long story. However, many of us are doing the best we can that the world will allow us. 

To Hiring Managers, it may look like we're inexperienced or the resume may reflect we don't stick to the tasks. However, the workforce and the job searches have now become corporate and a rat race where nobody deems their skills necessary unless you're disposable. Many entry level positions are asking for skills and a work load that is meant for Seniority with an experienced background for a minimum of 3-10 years. How on earth is anyone able to gain that if they're going to school, maintaining a minimum wage job or raising children and worried about transportation. Or in my case, helping raise 3 boys and being moved around after graduating from a university that I wasn't able to partake in due to my situation then not being able to find a job that wouldn't interfere with my studies or my scholarship and be able to aid my mother who is showing early signs of dementia, Alzheimer's disease and bipolar symptoms. 

It gets difficult when you become expendable to the workforce and your personal life and looking for an entry job is requiring experience and licenses, certificates and hours as if he/she were a Junior or Senior level worker with a minimum wage salary. It's not fair and to be able to have that much power to look down at a 1 page resume and determine our employment and unemployment fate bring more dread to us rather than hope. Going to a community college or a university degree is becoming an insulting paper that we are forced to carry because we believed in ourselves and now our positions in society mock us because we are deemed "lazy" or "ungrateful" when we know our worth and we know that minimum wage salary will not be enough to sustain the "minimum" lifestyle like affording a decent apartment and a car payment, insurance or hospital bills or food or internet access for work that is no longer a luxury. 

The USA workforce needs to do better because it's not our fault when things happen or when our life takes a new upheaval and our answer is "Stop being lazy, there's plenty of jobs." No there isn't and the ones that are, are the lower than minimum wage jobs that won't even put a full plate of food on the table. We shouldn't feel embarrassed to be living with our parents or feel ashamed for not having a job because raising children takes more time than you imagined and new responsibilities that defer you from your dream. There's nothing more inconsistent than being turned down or turned away from jobs or interviews that bring you more down when you've been through so many difficulties. To any readers, you keep going forward because it's not you when the world treats people less than what they are and more importantly who. 


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