Childhood Comfort Zones


I, along with many Disney customers have received the dreaded e-mail that has announced local Disney Stores were officially closing. I woke up to this image as I was starting my morning and this has portrayed my 2021 as something that doesn't seem to get any better. A bit dramatic? Yes and I do not feel guilty or ashamed for feeling this way. Why? Despite the circumstances of a global pandemic due to the COVID-19 virus that may become an official, endemic. The Disney Store has been a happy space for me and has eased my anxiety by just being surrounded by things that I associate with the very few happy times in my childhood. I have never been to Disney Land or Disney World so the Disney Store is as close as I have ever came to it, along with watching vlogs on trips to Disney. 
Now, before, anyone starts to comment on social distancing protocols, I have been taking as much precautions when I go to a large place like the Disney Store which I am ashamed is non-essential and I felt horrible every single time I went, but somedays my anxiety was too much to handle on my own. I would go on a weekday near closing when there was very few people and wore a double mask and never stayed more than 15 minutes and luckily it was a little easier due to the Disney Store's strict COVID-19 protocols. 
This basically has announced an end to our childhood safe space and even as a 28 year old, and worse the closing of all locations we grew up near. It hurts but I can only hope that it will revive one day when COVID-19 has calmed down and people in the USA will take the necessary precautions sooner rather than later because this is hurting the employees, not the mask wearers. I hope all Disney employees will be able to find a jobs soon too, as they were caught off guard by this announcement the same day this e-mail went out to Disney customers. Things like this is what I never liked about the ones in charge of Disney's company's lack of empathy and treating employees like they're not worth anything when they are the very faces that reflect Disney's brand. 
To cope? First of all breathe. We will be fine. It hurts to see it go but this is something that's out of our control because of COVID-19 and people's irresponsibility decided to act out of control. Follow Disney influencers who aren't apart of "fast fashion" and reflect their love of Disney. It's not about being told to "Grow up" its about growing from this. There's nothing wrong with feeling sad from this and know you're not alone and it's not trivial if you gained a healthy happiness from a store like Disney. It's time to take some of what made you happy and bring it in your home to remember that happiness. If you need suggestions follow the #Disneylove or #Disneystyle or my personal favorite #Disneymugs 
Sometimes sadness makes us happy.


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