Childhood Comfort Zones

I, along with many Disney customers have received the dreaded e-mail that has announced local Disney Stores were officially closing. I woke up to this image as I was starting my morning and this has portrayed my 2021 as something that doesn't seem to get any better. A bit dramatic? Yes and I do not feel guilty or ashamed for feeling this way. Why? Despite the circumstances of a global pandemic due to the COVID-19 virus that may become an official, endemic. The Disney Store has been a happy space for me and has eased my anxiety by just being surrounded by things that I associate with the very few happy times in my childhood. I have never been to Disney Land or Disney World so the Disney Store is as close as I have ever came to it, along with watching vlogs on trips to Disney. Now, before, anyone starts to comment on social distancing protocols, I have been taking as much precautions when I go to a large place like the Disney Store which I am ashamed is non-essential a...