Valentine's Day!!! This holiday is probably one of my top favorite holidays to celebrate and enjoy. Actually any holiday that gives me a reason to enjoy some delicious candy at a very decent price. 😋 I'm not gonna lie. About 4 years ago, I would have detested the idea or the notion of celebrating this holiday because, why celebrate a holiday that makes you depressed to be single and unloved? 
Then, it hit me that year when I was taking my youngest nephew shopping for the voluntary Valentine's Day gift cards and candy for his class. Why am I getting so offended and angry about a day that's suppose to be fun and about SHARING the joyful notion of "love." I am honestly not a big believer in "love" and I realized my disbelief was/is similar to how I feel about "fairy tales do come true." And that is, just because something isn't as believable, why not still enjoy it if it brings some sense of happiness to myself? I want to adore and like something that brings me out of a miserable situation or a realistic disappointment or when I feel sad. I don't want to bring my misery and resentment or hateful or bitterness to others when reality becomes too much. 
Creativity and imagination bring us happiness and a lively idea that things will eventually get better and entertain us in a way that can bring a positive perspective on life. My nephew enjoys celebrating a day that's about love and doesn't expect to be lifelong soulmates to the other children in his class or lovers like a young Gnomeo & Juliet. But he does want to celebrate a day that's fun and happy and let's face it, what kid doesn't love candy? It's similar to Halloween and Christmas, not everyone will believe it or want to take part in it but does that mean we should ruin the good times for everyone else? We don't always have to agree with one another's beliefs however, that's not an excuse to make them feel unvalued as long as it's doing no harm.  
So to everyone, have a happy holiday. Today isn't about being single, married, boyfriend, girlfriend, or any other silly status. It's about celebrating ALL different forms of love. 💟💝 From someone you know, to your pet, to your children or just loving yourself. 💘


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