Rivithead, my new obsession for Gothic style attire

I've seen these shoes a lot and I have to say that I'm thinking of splurging on these. I like how AJ Lee uses similar sneakers like these when she wrestles. These do make a statement of, "I dare you to mess with me. Come at me bro!" 
So what do you guys think? These are stylish and comfy.
 I don't believe in those silly "Goth Rules" where you have to wear combat boots everywhere you go (although I do own a few pairs because I like to wear them sometimes). This is a time where there are many people who claim that a Goth has to do this and do that in order to be Goth. I won't abide by any, if being Goth is who you are and why you are HAPPY being YOU, don't listen to others who tell you otherwise. Some people like to wear a lighter pair of shoes or it's too damn hot outside to wear boots and sneakers are a nice alternative to wear with some edge in them. Yay or nay? 
At the hefty price of: $58.95 and your wallet dying of a seizure. 


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